Ecodesign Competence Network

Do you want to get in contact with others about ecodesign? Join the Ecodesign Competence Network.

The mission is to increase awareness and knowledge among design centres, professionals and policy makers, dealing with ecodesign. To receive input from enterprises, higher education institutions, design centres, design lecturers and professionals, public sector and consumers.

White arrows in a circle around an illustrated leaf, blue background

The cluster is a transnational network designed to bundle knowhow and competences in the field of ecodesign. The network will provide an opportunity to make Europe one of the frontrunners in promoting ecodesign as an important concept for making the next step towards a circular economy.

The network is open for everyone who is interested in the ecodesign topic, with the aim to connect and inspire the future work, information and development of ecodesign.
Do you want to be part of the network? Send an email to Anna Velander Gisslén to join. The networking takes place in a group on the business platform LinkedIn.

Logotypes from EcoDesign Circle, BEDA, and Interreg Baltic Sea REgion and European Union flag

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