Sustainable communication
Aiming for sustainable solutions and highlighting your circular work will help build your brand. Value your different actions and intentions before pushing them in your communication, not to risk any greenwashing.
Do not be afraid of telling people about your sustainable work. Be open with your goals, what you do in regards to be as sustainable as possible, it will benefit your brand. Let your target group know why you are doing this, why sustainability is important to you.
Tell your concept by the structure you have for your communication. Find your focus areas to communicate what matter the most in your sustainability process.
Exaggerating the sustainability work or darker parts of the business can result in a storm of negative response. This will backfire at you and it might be hard to restore the damage. Instead, it is positive to have an open attitude to what still needs to be improved in the sustainability area. By not ignoring the fact that there still are things to be done there will not be room for others to remark on that. Another positive aspect is that you get an opportunity to actually talk about those things that you are working hard to change.
Openness’s culture and an interest in communicating sustainability work means that an external investigation does not need to end up in a crisis. Hopefully, these insights have already appeared in internal review and thus there is the opportunity to correct and continue the work in this area.
Sustainable communication strategy
Make sure you have a serious and ambitious strategy for your sustainability work, and communicate what the company does in this area. Do not wait until you are “done”. It is the same with this as the rest of the business, it is no end but an ongoing job. Therefore, tell about the different goals and further developments that you continuously reach during the way. Your customers will appreciate it, it will build your brand and help you increase the sales.
Vision – tell your target group where you are heading at
Branding – build your brand with emotions that matter
Stories – use storytelling, your sustainable journey will affect people