Design Consultant Tapani Jokinen

Portrait of Tapani Jokinen

Tapani Jokinen is Design Consultant, Strategic- & Ecodesign contractor in Fraunhofer IZM and owner of TJ-Design, a creative consultancy that fuses strategic innovation and design with sustainability and ethical business to drive positive impact at global level. Furthermore, he is Chief Design Officer at Circular Devices, a Finnish start-up behind Sustainable Puzzlephone. Tapani is one of the Authors of the Ecodesign Learning Factory program where he teaches and facilitates training modules, innovation workshops and lecturing about circular design in seminars and conferences.

Tapani has unique skills to apply Design and lifecycle thinking to accelerate MPH´s Minimum Harmful Products and Services and drive sustainability led innovation in practice, which answer to the growing global demand for more sustainable products and helping companies in transition from linear to circular economy.

Contact Tapani Jokinen