Whim – All your journeys

Whim is an internationally awarded Finnish mobility application that allows you to plan, book and pay for all your trips one trip at a time or with a convenient seasonal order. It combines public transport, city bikes, e-scooters, taxis, ferry tickets and affordable rental cars.



What is the mission of the project in a sentence?

We want to offer a better alternative to a private car and our goal is to replace 1 million private cars with Whim subscriptions by 2030.


Where and when did the project start?

Mobility-as-a-service is a Finnish innovation. Sampo Hietanen came up with the idea in 2006. He wanted to offer citizens a happy life without the hassle of owning a car. Mr. Hietanen launched MaaS Global, the company behind Whim, in 2015 in Helsinki.


Where (in which countries) is the service offered today?

At the moment (late 2020) Whim is available in Helsinki, Turku, Antwerp, Vienna and greater Tokyo. We are preparing for launches in several cities in Europe.


To whom is this service / project aimed?

Whim is aimed at people who are open to new innovations and want to improve their lifestyle and quality of life by finding smarter mobility in urban environments.