The Regions Sustainable Development Award

The project was launched in 2011 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the creation of an instrument that would allow small and medium-sized businesses to gain access to relatively cheap long-term money. Several banks were chosen, the start was made by Sberbank (a state-owned Russian banking and financial services company).

A product was created called The Regions Sustainable Development Award. What is it? This is a tool that allows you to prepare a package of documents for banks in order to receive financing on preferential terms with state support from these banks. Our organisation, our committee helps in the formation of a package of documents required for investment money, attracts partners, helps in obtaining federal and regional support, including various kinds of subsidies and other instruments which facilitates the financing.

(Video in Russian only.)


What is the mission of the project?

Help businesses gain financial support in regions of Russia.


Where and when did the project start?

Russia — 2011


Where is the project offered today?

In all regions of Russia.


To whom is this project aimed? Who belongs to your target group?

Small and medium sized enterprises