Refill – Bring your bottle

Refill has initiated a really simple project and its simplicity is exactly what makes it so convincing. The action group wants to promote tap water as a tested high quality drinking water and thus combat the amount of waste generated from beverage packaging. Refill stickers at shops‘ and public facilities‘ windows or doors indicate that you can refill your own bottle with tap water for free here. Refill exemplifies another way to be environmentally and health conscious.

The volunteer project has become a movement throughout Germany and has found many supporters and partners. On the website you can see a map of all involved cities and partners. Refill has become a nationwide movement with over 5,500 refill stations from north to south (March 2021). And new volunteers in every city are activly working to combat plastic waste.



What is the mission of the project?

Have your water bottle with you! Protect our environment! Drink enough water! Live healthy! Save money! We want to avoid plastic waste and inspire people to live more plastic-free. So are you with us?


Where and when was Refill started?

Refill Deutschland was founded in spring 2017 in Hamburg, Germany, and has now been expanded to a number of other cities.


To whom is this service aimed?

Everyone can take part. Always carry your personal drinking receptacle with you when you travel. You can also promote Refill Stations and as a shop owner become a Refill Station yourself.