PROMPT – Premature Obsolescence Multi-Stakeholder Product Testing Programme

The term “premature obsolescence” describes the phenomenon that products cease to be used at a point in their lifetime which arrives too soon. Premature obsolescence can have technical and non-technical underlying reasons. From a technical point of view, flaws in the quality and design of a product can lead to low reliability and a lack of reparability. Non-technical reasons for premature obsolescence can be linked to factors such as technological progress, advertising and fashion, consumption patterns and trends, and status, among others.

The H2020 PROMPT project has the goal to establish an independent testing programme to assess the lifetime of consumer products when they are put on the market. The focus is on electrical and electronic products and in particular on smartphones, (smart) TVs, washing machines and televisions. The testing programme will cover major aspects related to longevity. It has the goal to enable testing bodies, consumer organisations, market surveillance authorities and other interested stakeholders to assess premature obsolescence. It will contribute to ongoing and future standardisation efforts and provide designers and policymakers with recommendations on improving durability and reparability of products, empower consumers to make informed choices, and create awareness on market conditions. The project runs from May 2019 to April 2023.

Video about the topic: Product Lifetimes and the environment – Plate Conference 2017


What is the mission of the project?

The main objective of PROMPT is to develop an independent testing programme to support the assessment of the longevity of consumer products when they are put on the market.


Where and when did the project start?

The kickoff meeting took place in May 2019 in Delft, Netherlands.


Where is the project offered today?

The project runs until 2023 and results will be available without geographical limits.


To whom is this project aimed? Who belongs to your target group?

The main target groups are testing bodies, consumer organisations, market surveillance authorities and other interested stakeholders that want to assess premature obsolescence.