Nimber – Going your way, anyway

Nimber is a community delivery service where you can send anything, anytime, anywhere with trusted people going that way anyway. We create a more convenient, cost-effective, sustainable, and friendly delivery community than anything else in the world.



What is the mission of the project in a sentence?

Utilising spare capacity on the road.


Where and when did the project start?

It all started in 2012, on a ski trip here in Norway. A car from the Norwegian Postal service had driven out of the road and parcels were scattered all over the place. The idea around Nimber was hatched – what if the cars going the same direction as the parcels could carry these items to the recipients? Now we just had to identify the spare capacity in these cars. Nimber was then launched. A delivery platform where one utilises spare capacity in cars already on the road, using the local community, commuters and whoever is on the road.

In March 2020, Nimber launched a simple and intuitive business solution which provides businesses with fixed lead times, as well as financial predictability in that all prices are presented before an order.


Where is the service offered today?

Today we are only offering our services in Norway. But we want to expand quite fast to the Nordic countries.


To whom is this service aimed?

The traditional Nimber solution is meant for everyone. It solves a need in the market to carry larger goods between private people and smaller business. Regarding the business solution our focal point is the SMB segment (small and medium-sized businesses). We have specialised ourselves on goods that do not fit into a traditional terminal structure. When that is said we also have an offering that should fulfil everyone’s needs, and the SMB businesses with ordinary parcels and goods. One could call the business solution as a «one stop shop» for logistical needs.