What do you consider to be the most innovative aspects of your offer?
That we perform 100 percent bicycle logistics in combination with developing and manufacturing the absolute best bicycle for distribution.
What are the most important impacts of your service in terms of sustainability?
That it actually doesn’t have any bad impact – instead it acts for collaboration with the city centre.
Which aspects are particularly interesting from a design perspective?
We designed the Starke cargo bike with requirements from our experience of cargo bike logistics. It had to take more load than existing cargo bikes to be able to replace vans in city logistics. And it still had to be a bike, to be able to take shortcuts on bike lanes for quick distribution. The battery should have enough energy for a full work day.
We decided to design the Starke 3 wheel cargo bike according to the EU vehicle class Motorised 2-4 wheel bike, which allows up to 1000 W motor power and 250 kg payload. When the design and Type Approval process started in 2017, we also added a roll-on, roll-off cargo container, with a patent pending. The container can load two EU pallets inside, a feature that can be useful for intermodal logistics. The added motor power compared to other cargo bikes, gives us the advantage to carry more cargo and still reach speeds of up to 25 km/h.
Our Starke cargo bike looks like a bike at the front, but more like a truck at the rear. Since the Starke bike is heavier than other cargo bikes it is built with motorcycle parts and even car components.
Do you also offer your service digitally?
We have a self-developed system regarding route optimisation for bicycle logistics in particular.
What are some interesting numbers about the project?
Autmn 2020:
We have built a first series of more than 25 Starke cargo bikes which are used in daily operation.
What happens next? What are your goals?
Initially, we want to expand more hubs in the cities where we already exist to cover larger geography in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.
Step two will be to expand to all Nordic capitals and step three to Europe.