Fairbnb.coop is a cooperative platform that aims to reduce the conflicts of tourist rentals and massive tourism to harness the potential of sustainable and community-powered tourism.
The plaform offers the potential for authentic, sustainable and intimate travel experiences while facilitating the development of socially relevant projects within worldwide’s communities.

What is the mission of the project in a sentence?
Fairbnb.coop offers a community-centered alternative that prioritises people over profit and facilitates authentic, sustainable and intimate travel experiences.
Where and when did the project start?
We started our journey in 2016 as a movement seeking to create a just alternative to existing home-sharing platforms.
Initially the movement emerged in Venice, Amsterdam and Bologna, but soon other groups from all over Europe joined the debate and helped us in shaping the final model that we are seeking to implement.
In late 2018, we created a co-op to serve as the legal entity behind the project, an open organisation where in the near future we plan to welcome all actors of our ecosystem.
We have now based our headquarters in Bologna, Italy.
Where (in which countries) is the service offered today?
We are currently present mainly in Europe but we have an extensive network of collaborators around the globe who are preparing the activation of new destination in their countries. Our service is currently (2020) offered in Spain, Netherlands and Italy.
To whom is this service aimed? Who belongs to your target group?
Our service is addressed to:
Travelers who are concerned about the impact they have both in the environment and in the communities of the places they visit.
Host, managers of small hotels, camping sites, farmhouse or B&B who want to build a sustainable business creating a positive impact for their neighbour.
Entities, organisations and individuals willing to become our local partner to promote a sustainable tourism model in their cities.